Shirley Fisher has made an impact at JahRoc Galleries over the past seven years whilst exhibiting her landscape and seascape paintings in our gallery. Shirley’s use of a vibrant palette creates the spontaneity and freshness depicting the unique light and colours of Western Australia and has captivated many viewers in awe.
Shirley Fisher has been a professional artist for the past fifteen years. Her imagery and technical repertoire has been developed by intensive personal study and has been further enhanced by art visits to the Indian sub-continent, Southern Europe and all areas of Western Australia. It is however, by her expressive and sensitive studies of our WA coastline that she is best known.
“Be inspired by the footprints of life, but be guided by your own journey.”
Enjoy getting to know…. Shirley Fisher
When did you first feel the desire to be artistic and realize you had talent?
I think I was 4yrs old, it was my first day at school and we were given plastercine and wax crayons, forget reading, writing and arithmetic, I wanted to draw. Art was my favourite subject, naturally I thought I was pretty good, at the time that would have been debatable, but the passion had set in.
Where did you learn your art?
Central metropolitan college of art (CMCA) in Northbridge as well as attending demonstrations and workshops of well known WA artists. I’m constantly inspired by other artists work and visits to galleries. Recently the Degas exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria.
What inspires you most?
Colour and light in a beautiful landscape.
What message are you sending to the viewer of your art?
My art isn’t about sending messages, I just hope the viewer is transported to the places I paint and feel the same connection as I did. I think art should be evocative.
Describe your studio…
A multi level area that incorporates a gallery so I can enjoy my framed work before it’s delivered to other galleries. I have three work stations, one for pastel work, one for oil painting and one for wet media. The windows face north and west, as I live in the hills I have to wait for the light so usually work from midday to late afternoon.
Describe your typical day of creating art…
My typical day starts in the garden. I’m a keen gardener and addicted to plants. Our garden sits on an acre in the Perth Hills where the ground is mainly granite and clay, hard work, but we have created a beautiful sanctuary which gives me as much pleasure as painting. So, after a couple of hours pottering around, I’m ready to head back indoors to spend the afternoon at my easel. I paint what inspires me, I’ve travelled extensively overseas and within Australia but my main motivation comes from our own state of Western Australia. We are fortunate to be surrounded by great coastal scenery and the ancient geological formations in our North are truly spectacular.
What mediums do you use and why?
Pastels, oils and wet media including acrylic and gouache.
I work very quickly with pastels and as they don’t need mixing or drying time I find they suit my style of work. I’m also always drawn to their vibrancy, something I can’t achieve with other media. However, getting a break from the dust is essential, so working in oils and acrylics slows me down and helps my lungs.
What are you working on now?
A series of paintings from the Pilbara region, namely Dales Gorge and the Karijini landscape. The colours just blow me away, I was fortunate to be there last August after the rains and being a passionate gardener I was thrilled to see all the new growth sprouting through the red earth. What a contrast of textures and colours. Lime green spinifex, white snappy gums, flowers of purple, blue, red and yellow set against a spectacular cobalt blue sky. Did I mention the red oxide earth and surrounding Hamersley Ranges? Wow!
What are your recent career achievements you feel proud of?
I’ve won many awards for my work and I’m very proud of my achievements but what I enjoy the most is receiving thankyou cards and letters from people who have either purchased or have been presented my work. I have met so many wonderful people and made a lot of good friends.
What do you love most about what you do?
Besides painting and the process, from travelling to get inspiration and reference material, I love meeting like minded people and the reaction of someone when they view my work. I think I am the luckiest person in the world with the best job.
Where can you see yourself in 10 years time?
Doing exactly what I am doing now with many revisits to the places I love.
Shop Shirley Fisher Paintings
Shirley Fisher – To The Sea$890.00
Shirley Fisher – Kimberley Boab$1,490.00
Shirley Fisher – Coastal Allure$2,600.00
Shirley Fisher – Land Of Rainbow Gold$4,400.00
Shirley Fisher – Pinky Beach$3,200.00
Shirley Fisher – Kalamina Reflections$2,600.00
In The Studio