The roll of the hills, the call of the sea, winding trails, wind in sails, wine me, dine me … love and laughter. The beautiful Margaret River.
Janine Daddo brings a joyful collection of paintings to JahRoc Galleries that celebrate the iconic Margaret River lifestyle that is enjoyed by holiday makers and residents alike. Globally recognised for a unique wine, surf and romance destination, Janine has captured the essence of Margaret River in her bold and colourful figurative style.
LOVE and JOY is a common thread through this body of work, and Janine Daddo encourages us all to live with our heart on our sleeve.
6-8 pm
Meet and mingle with Janine Daddo and enjoy her opening speech.
Celebrate with Swings & Roundabouts wines, plus live music by Graeme Dickinson.
All welcome to attend.

Fresh out of Art School, still couldn’t drive, my boyfriend of the time and I bought an old Holden station wagon and headed off on the Nullarbor… adventure in our hearts.
Slept on the slip way of roads, the beach, hiked the bush, the rain forests, climbed rocks and swam with dolphins… it is a beautiful memory that today still makes me smile!
Gallery of Exhibition Artworks
All Sold

130cm x 130cm
mixed media on canvas

150cm x 90cm
mixed media on canvas

140cm x 100cm
mixed media on canvas

150cm x 110cm
mixed media on canvas

120cm x 100cm
mixed media on canvas

83cm x 53cm
mixed media on paper

180cm x 90cm
mixed media on canvas

150cm x 70cm
mixed media on canvas

150cm x 70cm
mixed media on canvas

120cm x 100cm
mixed media on canvas

150cm x 70cm
mixed media on paper

130cm x 130cm
mixed media on canvas

83cm x 70cm
mixed media on paper

83cm x 70cm
mixed media on paper