The Filigree Bedhead was designed in December 2014 following on from our successful collaborative exhibition “Project Margaret River” when JahRoc Furniture produced a stunning collection of furniture designs all inspired by the Margaret River Region. In this project The Canopy Display Cabinet was born using a hand carved design depicting the awesome treetop canopies found in the region that look down on us with wisdom and grace.
The Filigree Bedhead also uses this canopy design carving and is proving to be a timeless design that can take on an ultra modern feel or can be mixed up with a bit of old.
Enjoy these In The Making photos…
Selecting the timber
David and Jagath have an enormous task of selecting the timber for each furniture order. With customer requests for the timber to have a certain “look” it takes patience to sift through many piles of raw timber slabs, and also experience to know how it will look sanded and polished.
Jagath has found just the right pile of Marri timber slabs for the Filigree Bed, and uncovers a startled visitor when he picks it up.

Putting it together
Our incredibly talented master craftsman Jagath Prasantha begins the setting out of patterns and machining the timber for the Filigree Designer Bed. The time consuming hand carving of the canopy detail is completed with artistic precision, then it is off to be polished in it’s many sections before assembling the finished piece.

The Finished Filigree Bed
The finished designer bed is spectacular. King size with posture slats and attached bedside tables in Marri timber.
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Variations on The Filigree Design
Every customer has different needs when it comes to bedroom furniture. We have made the Filigree Designer Bed in many variations and sizes, and have added a chest of drawers and bedside cabinet to the design range. Ask us about the different timber options also.
Filigree Bed with Upholstered Fabric Headboard
Filigree Bedhead Only
Filigree Bedside Cabinet
Filigree Chest of Drawers
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